Thursday, November 3, 2016

The goddess of death, time, and doomsday

So, we got a new puppy. Purina was offering $50 toward adoptions last weekend and I just happened to hear about it and just happen to get on apa's website to look at adoptable dogs... it just so happened they had border collie mix puppies and I just had to go visit them. They closed at 5pm and Adam doesn't get off work until 5. After several pictures and several videos of this adorable dog, Lana, she was in the car riding home with me.

I mean, look at this face.
We changed her name to Kali. Adam is proud to announce what her name means... Kali is the Hindu goddess of death, time, and doomsday. She is often associated with violence. Classic depictions usually show her holding a sword in one hand and a severed head in the other signifying that in the end, she will kill everyone and no one can avoid her as mortal death. Yay.

First two days she was the sweetest little thing. Now at night she screams like someone is murdering her. The sweetest thing though, the first two nights Adam started singing to her to calm her down as she laid in the crate next to the bed. It was very sweet. And she actually calmed down. The way he cuddles her and plays with her is heart warming.

She is a little shit, but she hasn't been showing that side to Adam. Tonight was her night to show that she could be a little brat. Tonight, she found our back bushes and decided that was her new spot. Well, as I'm working on cleaning on the kitchen, she starts sniffing around and he jumped up to take her out to potty. She ran back to the bushes and he was worried so, he runs back there and pulls her out. He then came in, told me the story, and took her downstairs to watch football. I start looking for the remote and can't find it anywhere. When I ask him about it, he doesn't know but said he hopes he didn't take it outside. He goes out to check and finds it thrown across the yard. Hahahaa... when he freaked out about Kali being in the bush he threw the remote in a state of panic! Glad I was even looking for it. 
Now he's downstairs as we speak yelling no, stop, don't do that. Glad she's finally showing her colors to him too!
Little doomsday herself