Thursday, October 6, 2016

Laundry? Not my thing.

I don't like doing laundry and I dislike putting away laundry even more. In college I used to sleep with my clean clothes on the corner of my bed. It's not my thing. So, when Adam and I moved in together that became HIS thing. He still makes me put my stuff up and fold it but the actually act of carrying it down to the basement and switching over laundry is no longer my problem.
My Mantras
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We change our sheets about once a week, or as Adam says, when in doubt it's time to change the sheets. He brought a clean pair of sheets up in the basket with two folded clean towels sitting atop them, and I stripped the sheets off the bed and kept them in a heap in the corner of the bed while we went to eat dinner. After dinner Adam started putting sheets on the bed, I went in and helped him finish up making the bed.  After we're done he picks up the two folded towels sitting on top of sheets in the basket and asks me where they needed to go. We both made eye contact, looked down at the basket and both loudly exclaimed. We put back on the sheets I had just taken off! @#$@##!!!@!

So, here we go again. Strip the sheets. Pull out the new sheets and start to put them on. There's something on the sheets. Take them off. Go get the third pair of sheets and put them on. Finally, third time's a charm.
Look at this happy couple successfully making the bed, probably on their first try. 

As a wedding gift we received a new energy efficient washer and dryer. Great, right? First time Adam used it he went to take a shower while the washer ran. After he got out he yelled for help but I was already asleep, and "even the good lord couldn't get me outta bed." Apparently, there were bubbles EVERYWHERE across the basement. He has no idea what happened or why that would have happened, my guess is he put too much soap in and then the overload of water draining from the washer and the shower just caused it.

So, now Adam's new thing is to watch the washer when he starts it. He watches it estimate, agitate and fill up until the rinse cycle. He's not convinced the washer is cleaning the clothes, this energy efficient stuff is for the birds if clothes aren't even all getting wet. We've watched the videos, read the manuals and he's still not convinced. We found out if you wash on the bulky setting it actually fills the washer up to where you can see the water. This eases his mind about the clothes getting clean. So, for now everything will probably be washed on the bulky setting.
Let's see how this goes.
Until next time..... *deep breath*

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